HACCP Certification

HACCP Certified Products, Food Bags, & Packaging Supplies

Dana Poly manufactures and sells HACCP certified products, such as food bags, packaging supplies and general food packaging. So if you are looking for HACCP compliant food packaging, then we are the plastic manufacturing company for you! Get wholesale prices when you turn to Dana Poly.

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Dana Poly has years of experience in the food packaging and plastics industry. We are a leading manufacturer of plastic bags and other various materials for packaging. All of the packaging and plastics are HACCP compliant, which allows for us to be a reputable nationwide supplier. For more information about all of the HACCP compliant plastics bags and packaging supplies we manufacture, please reach out to us today. When you do, we will happily answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding our supplies. Wholesale pricing is also available for many of the materials we manufacture, which includes poly sheeting, hexene bags and FDA approved bags.

What is HACCP

HACCP stands for "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points" and is primarily for food safety management. It is the most internationally recognized system based on production of safe food from a preventative approach. The general guidelines for its application are established and well-known throughout the industry, thus HACCP certification is trusted for those in the food packaging and manufacturing industries. And HACCP based systems are a legal requirement in several countries, including the US at all levels of the food chain. If you demonstrate a real commitment to food safety by utilizing HACCP compliance, then you can improve your brand's image as it acts as an effective entry-to-market tool. And can open up your business to other opportunities.

More about HACCP Certification Process.

What an HACCP Certification Helps With

Here are the general areas where having an HACCP certification helps with:

  • food safety
  • production safety
  • food chain
  • contamination risk
  • risk management
  • customer needs
  • supply chain
  • critical points
  • hazard analysis

Benefits of HACCP Food Safety Certification

Here are some of the common benefits of having an HACCP certification and why it pays to be compliant for food manufacturing, packaging and bags.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

By delivering products that are HACCP compliant, there will be an improved customer satisfaction due to the dependability of the packaging and bags. Deliver products that will consistently meet customer requirements and can be relied upon.

Legal Compliance

Become legally compliant with an HACCP certification and understand how regulatory requirements may impact your organization and customers.

Respond to Situations

It is ideal for responding to situations that can compromise the food safety of both products and their various production processes.

Cuts Investigation Time to a Minimum

This management system helps you to reduce food safety breach investigation time.

Become a Reputable Supplier

An HACCP certification is a recognized brand around the globe and is accepted by various industry supply chains. It also sets industry benchmarks for sourcing supplies, so if you package and sell with HACCP bags and products, then you become a more reputable supplier.

Proven Business Credentials

With an HACCP certification, become more independently verified with a globally recognized industry. It speaks volumes to all you will do business with that you care about the reliability and performance of your packaging supplies.

Get More Business

With an HACCP certification on your side, it can open doors to gaining more business due to elevated packaging conditions.

Why HACCP Certifications are Important

HACCP certifications demonstrates the desire to be compliant in an industry that has high standards. And it can be beneficial when you are subjected to inspection by regulatory authorities or stakeholders. This certification will provide credibility and recognition for all that work with you and all that you sell to. An HACCP certification can be used by any organization directly or indirectly involved in the food chain, which includes food service providers like restaurants, canteens, fast food chains, hospitals, hotels, caterers and more, as well as farms, fisheries, and processors of food for both human and livestock consumption. Organizations that implement HACCP must comply with GMP, or Good Manufacturing Practices, as they are a mandatory requirement that is part of the HACCP standard. However, it is possible to certify each individually.