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Polyethylene is an inexpensive, lightweight, strong, water resistant plastic that can withstand extreme temperatures. Its durability and excellent moisture resistance qualities make polyethylene the ideal material for industrial packaging supplies.


High Density Polyethylene Plastic is non-porous, non-stretching and economic material for plastic bags. It creates a vapor & moisture barrier. In its natural form it has a frosted appearance and makes a crackly/crinkly sound when crushed. It is stronger than LDPE but is not as tear resistant. HDPE is typically used for applications where a very thin cost effective bag is required. The classic high density application is liner bags where tear resistance is not required.


Low density polyethylene (LDPE) is the most widely used material in plastic bags. Porous, strong, stretchable to a degree, has good clarity, has high tear resistance, is clear and is easy to print on. It is used in many packaging applications for products that do not have sharp points. Some familiar applications include heavy duty garbage bags, press seal bags and boutique retail carry bags.


Linear Low Density Polyethylene Plastic is a non-porous, very stretchable, tear and puncture resistant material that is and much less costly than LDPE. It has good clarity and is commonly used for many packaging, liner and trash applications.


Metallocene is a high clarity, very tough and extremely tear resistant (material that is manufactured using a metallocene catalyst, resulting in high clarity film with exceptional strength).


Grey or pink anti-static bags are treated with anti-static additives to reduce static electricity. They are excellent for packaging of electronic components. Our amine-free antistatic film and bags that are FDA approved.


Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) is added to plastic resins to increase the strength in extremely low temperatures, used for freezer storage bags.

Frac-Melt Shrink 

Frac-melt, or melt fracture, is a common term in the plastics industry that describes a specific type of plastic pellet. It specifically refers to natural, low-density polyethylene pellets that is commonly used in film, bags, pipes, furniture, thermoformed packaged, plastic lumber, and more.

Specialty Tiger Blend

For further information, please inquire about Dana Poly's specialty Tiger Blend as an alternative solution for down-gauging plastic film. Our sales representative will be more than happy to introduce you to a new and better way to save your company money.

DanaPoly Plastic Bag Manufacturer

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